Try this method the next time you need fresh lemon juice. 7-10 seconds in the microwave. Then, on the counter, roll the lemon back and forth beneath your palm. You’ll obtain more juice from the lemon with less effort if you squeeze it.
Toss in a couple slices of raw apple or potato the next time you oversalt a soup. Simmer for 10 mins, then remove the wedges to restore the taste.
Bubble wrap is an excellent insulator. Wrap your Chunky Monkey pint with plastic bubble wrap to protect it from melting on the drive. It will remain solid for several hours.
Don’t you dread it when you forget to take your favourite recipe’s butter out of the fridge? It’s fine if you forget to bring the butter to room temperature ahead of time. Butter may be softened fast. The simplest method is to cut the butter into cubes and set it aside for about 20 minutes. Smaller bits will soften more quickly than a complete stick.
To begin, cut the ends of a kiwi in half. Slide a spoon beneath the skin and slide it all the way around the kiwi, staying as near to the skin as possible without breaking it.
Sandwiches generally become mushy because tomatoes are 90% water. A fast fix is to place your tomatoes on tissues and let the extra water soak in.
Simply place a wooden spoon on top of the vessel to avoid milk from leaking. This will keep the milk from leaking and will notify you when it is adequately cooked.
Boil your potatoes properly well in advance and cool them beforehand. This helps starch in the potatoes to settle down and thus, your non-sticky tikkis are ready!